The new Guest Creative Team (GCT) challenge is open to everyone with the exception of current Creative Team Members. Anyone wishing to participate must have a minimum of 8 posts in the Scrappy Jo forum during the challenge month. Anyone with fewer than 8 posts during the challenge month WILL NOT be elgible to participate in the challenge. However, you may wish to become active in the forum and participate in the challenge the next month. A Guest Creative Team Member (GCTM) will be chosen for the following month from the challenge participants in the prior month. From this point forward, all challenges will be posted on the 1st of each month and must be completed by the 20th of each month. Any entries received after midnight (EST) on the 20th will not be considered. If you cannot complete the challenge on time, you may wish to still include your project for viewing only, but be aware, it will not be considered for GCTM participation. Announcement of the winner will be made on the 22nd. The chosen GCTM will meet all requirements and receive GCTM compensation (listed below).
** Guest Creative Team Member Requirements **
Complete a minimum of 2 projects for the month (choice of a LO, altered item or card).
Be an active member in the Scrappy Jo Forum having a minimum of 7 posts perweek during his/her GCTM month.
Promote and direct customers to the
Scrappy Jo website.
Submit assignments on time.
Follow directions from the Guest Creative Team Leader.
Any credits accumulated due to GCTM participation must be redeemed by 12/31/09.
** Guest Creative Team Member Compensation **Picture/recongnition on the blog and newsletter.
Free Scrappy Pack + gift from Scrappy Jo – Both mailed directly from Scrappy Jo.
15% discount for 2 months (discount good on all personal orders - if there is a storewide discount already being offered on all orders, total discount isnot to exceed 30%).
Referral discount code/store credit: $2.00 for each new customer thatplaces an order of $10 or more using GCTM coupon code provided -- Does notinclude shipping or taxes. All GCTM credits will accumulate and must beredeemed by 12/31/2009.
Good luck to everyone!!